Often, the processes of aging or living with a disability comes with new challenges and new questions. It can be hard to find answers.
The ADRC is here to help you find the answers you need. The ADRC provides accurate information on all aspects of adult life related to aging or living with a disability. The ADRC is a friendly, welcoming place where anyone - individuals, concerned families or friends, or professionals working with issues related to aging or disabilities - can go for information tailored to their situation. ADRC staff actively listen to understand your unique situation, strengths and challenges. Information will be shared about community services that can best meet your needs and values, regardless of your income.
The ADRC provides information on a broad range of programs and services, helps people understand the various long term care options available to them, helps people apply for programs and benefits, and serves as an access point for information about publicly-funded long term care. Staff will meet with you at the ADRC, via telephone, or at home, whichever is most helpful to the individual seeking help.
We'd love to hear from you, please call or stop in.
Phone: 715-528-4890
TTY: 715-528-5023
Fax: 715-528-4241
Email: [email protected]
501 Lake Avenue,
Florence County Courthouse, Lower Level
Florence, WI 5412
Hours - 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Monday through Friday
Home visits and after hours appointments available by request.
With the right information, resources and assistance in accessing services, seniors and adults with disabilities can remain independent and safe in their homes.
Services and programs offered in Florence County include:
- Information, Assistance and Referrals
- Long-Term Care Options Counseling
- Senior Nutrition Program: Senior Dining Sites and Home-Delivered Meals
- Caregiver Assistance, Information on Alzheimer's and Support for Family Caregivers
- Transportation
- Benefits Counseling for Seniors
- Benefits Counseling for Adults with Disabilities
- Health, Safety, and Wellness
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Workshops
An ADRC will also help you find resources for: Adaptive Equipment; Assisted Living, Benefits Counseling, Employment Programs, Financial Assistance, Health and Wellness information, Housing Options, In-Home Personal Care, Nursing Home Care, Nutrition Programs, Prescription Drug Coverage, Respite Care, Support Groups and Transportation.